Adrian Mateos Poker Database

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  • »Adrian Mateos Wins €10.3K EPT Prague High Roller

Adrian Mateos +62 (5th) 5th: Germany: Fedor Holz +6 (4th) 6th: United States: William Alex Foxen +312 (15th) 7th. Poker Database Featured Results. Adrian Mateos won the 2019 partypoker LIVE 2019 MILLIONS World Bahamas Main Event for $1,162,805 after a three-way deal. This latest in a long line of victories push Mateos’ live poker tournament winnings to $19,423,996. Mateos struck the deal with Aaron Van Blarcum and Chris Hunichen. The trio shared $3,230,000 of the $10 million prize pool.


Adrian Mateos edged closer to $20 million in live poker tournament winnings by winning the €10,300 EPT Prague High Roller. Mateos has now won the last three high roller tournaments he has cashed in.

2019 EPT Prague High Roller Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (EUR)Prize (USD)
1Adrian MateosSpain€177,500$196,304
2Anton YakubaRussia€128,400$142,003
3Derek IpHong Kong€82,840$91,616
4Vladimir TroyanovskiyRussia€62,720$69,365
5Bertrand GrospellierFrance€48,520$53,660
6Tsugunari TomaJapan€37,870$41,882
7Orpen KisacikogluTurkey€30,180$33,377
8Arsenii KarmatckiiRussia€23,670$26,178
  • Adrian Mateos was just eliminated in 67th place. He three-bet jammed the button for 199,656 and was called by Davidi Kitai who opened in early position. Adrian Mateos: Davidi Kitai: Mateos' tens were holding up after the hit the flop and was even more ahead after the came on the turn.
  • Adrian Mateos has won 3 bracelets and 0 rings for total earnings of $3,626,857. See all events where they placed in-the-money.

The €10,300 High Roller was the first event of the 2019 PokerStars European Poker Tour Prague festival. Players must be saving themselves for future events as only 61 entrants competed, although they created a €591,700 prize pool.

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Only the top eight finishers received a cash payout so nobody wanted to bust in ninth-place and burst the bubble. Unfortunately, the very nature of poker tournaments means someone has to burst the bubble and that someone was Matthias Eibinger.

Tsugunari Toma open-shoved for 19-big blinds from late position and Eibinger called off his 10-big blinds from the big blind. Toma showed ace-nine and was trailing Eibinger’s dominating ace-king. Both players paired their ace on the flop, with Toma spiking a nine on the turn. The river was no help to Eibinger and the EPT Prague High Roller was in the money.

Ace-King No Good Again

Ace-king was no good for Arsneii Karmatckii either. Anton Yakuba, a cash game specialist, min-raised to 24,000 from under the gun. Karmatckii responded with a three-bet all-in for 48,000 on the button and Yakuba called. Yakuba revealed pocket sixes and Karmatckii ace-king. Those sixes held true and the EPT Prague High Roller lost another player; Karmatckii collected €23,670.

Karmatckii’s seat hadn’t even gone cold when Turkey’s Orpen Kisacikoglu busted. The Turk raised enough to leave himself with only one big blind in his stack. Mateos re-raised all-in to isolate Kisacikoglu and it worked because Bertrand Grospellier folded. Kisacikoglu called.

It was ace-king for Mateos and king-queen for his opponent. Mateos improved to a flush on the river to reduce the player count of the EPT Prague High Roller.

The final six became five when Toma busted at the hands of Vladimir Troyanovskiy. Troyanvskyi raise-called a 170,000 shove from Toma and turned over king-queen when prompted to do so. Toma was slightly ahead courtesy of his ace-four, but fell behind on the flop thanks to a king landing. A queen on the turn left Toma drawing dead and the three on the river was inconsequential.

Team partypoker pro Grospellier was the next to head to the cashier’s desk. The man known as “ElkY” was short stacked, although he doubled through Troyanovskiy. ElkY came unstuck when he three-bet all-in over a Derek Ip open and Ip called. Ip showed pocket hacks and ElkY ace-queen. The flop came down with two queens, but also a jack, meaning ElkY had trips but Ip held a full house. Both the turn and river missed ElkY and he busted in fifth-place for €48,520.

You Have To Win Your Coinflips

Troyanovskiy lost a coinflip against Yakuba to finish fourth in the EPT Prague Main Event. All the chips went into the middle preflop, Troyanovskiy holding sevens and Yakuba ace-jack. A jack on the flop left Troyanovskiy drawing to the two remaining sevens; neither appeared on the turn or river.

Ip became the last player not to win a six-figure prize when he fell in third-place. Again the chips went in preflop and again it was a coinflip. Mateos raised and called Ip’s shove with ace-queen with Ip revealing a pair of black jacks. Those jacks remained best on the flop before falling behind on the queen turn. A brick on the river busted Ip from the EPT Prague High Roller and sent the tournament into heads-up.

Mateos held a 2,045,000 to 1,005,000 chip lead over Yakuba and it didn’t take long to press home this advantage. The final hand saw Yakuba limp in on the button and Mateos check his option. The nine-six-deuce flop saw Mateos check, Yakuba bet 45,000 and Maeos check-raise to 140,000. Yakuba called.

The turn was a four, Mateos led for 265,000 and Yakuba called. Mateos jammed all-in on the ace of clubs river and Yakuba called off his remaining 710,000 chips. Mateos showed four-deuce for two pair and Yakuba could only muster king-queen.

Yakuba took home €128,000 for his runner-up finish while Mateos scooped €177,500.

It has been an incredible few months for Mateos who has now won the last three events he’s cashed in. He won a $25,500 Super High Roller at the partypoker Caribbean Poker Party for $520,464. The Spaniard then took home $1,162,805 for winning the Caribbean Poker Party Main Event. Now he has a victory in the EPT Prague High Roller and is showing now signs of slowing down.

Adrian Mateos Poker Database Player

Adrian 'Amadi_017' Mateos opened from the button to 16,400, Artur 'mararthur1' Martirosian three-bet to 68,000 in the small blind, and Mateos called to see the flop.

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Martirosian bet 49,500, Mateos called and the peeled off as a turn card. Martirosian bet 106,160 and again Mateos called. A completed the board, Martirosian shoved for 358,987 and Mateos snapped.

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Martirosian tabled for two pair on the flop and Mateos then turned over , giving him a rivered straight and the pot, making him the current chipleader. © 2022