Texas Holdem Poker Hands Odds


Divide by the amount you need to call. Pot odds are invariably a function of calling or folding, rather than betting. In the simplest terms, if the bet is $1 to you, and there is already $4 in the pot, your pot odds are 5:1. Texas Holdem Odds and Pot Odds. Winning Texas holdem poker players have to have a solid understanding of odds and pot odds. Many inexperienced players make the mistake of assuming odds and pot odds are the same thing. While the two things are related, they aren’t the same. Texas Holdem Heads-Up Preflop Odds. This table was created by enumerating through every possible board and opponent hole card combination for each of the 169 texas holdem preflop starting hands. Calculating Hand Odds and Poker Odds Calculating hand odds are your chances of making a hand in Texas Hold'em poker. For example: To calculate your hand odds in a Texas Hold'em game when you hold two hearts and there are two hearts on the flop, your hand odds for making a flush are about 2 to 1.

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Official poker hands ranking overview with an explanation of which hand wins in Texas Hold’em. Including PDF overview for printing.

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Texas Hold Em Odds Tables

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Texas Holdem Poker Hands Odds

More Information

Real Money Poker Games » Texas Holdem Poker » Hole Card Frequencies

Both before and after the flop in any limit Holdem game, it is helpful to be able to make a reasonably accurate estimate of the types and numbers of playable hands that you are likely to be competing against.

Much of your decision making involves the business of 'putting' opposing players 'on their hands' (or in other words, figuring out what cards they are playing). Experienced Holdem players are often very good at this. An understanding of the types of hands that are most likely to be against you helps prevent both underestimating and overestimating your competition.

Here are some stats that are based on the total possible combinations of various Holdem hole cards that are normally playable.

For better viewing on your mobile device (or to download or print the chart), check out holdem hole card frequencies in high resolution universal .pdf format.

Texas Holdem Poker Hands Odds


The five different types of two card Hold'em hands highlighted here are those that are most commonly played. They are not shown in any particular order and within the groups are powerful hands that are almost always played, down to marginal value hands that can be played under certain betting conditions.

The rest of the hands, shown as All Others, are all the very weak hands that most players hardly ever play.

Pairs - All pairs. AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 1010, 99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 44, 33, 22

Two High Cards Suited - AK(S), AQ(S), AJ(S), A10(S), KQ(S), KJ(S), K10(S), QJ(S), Q10(S), J10(S)

Two High Cards Unsuited - AK, AQ, AJ, A10, KQ, KJ, K10, QJ, Q10, J10

Medium and Low Suited Connectors - These include both no-gap and one-gap connectors: J9(S), 109(S), 108(S), 98(S), 97(S), 87(S), 86(S), 76(S), 75(S), 65(S), 64(S), 54(S), 53(S)

Ace and Non-High Combinations - A9, A8, A7,A6 Note: 25% of these 64 combinations (16) are suited. 75% of the 64 combinations (48) are unsuited.

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